Buying a block of land has got to be up there with one of the most exciting and pivotal points in your home development and building journey. After this initial step, it’s not unlikely that you may find yourself stumped, asking the question – what comes next? When building the foundations of your future forever home, it’s important not to cut any corners and to go into it with a sound understanding of the project that lies ahead.
We’ve compiled a list of go-to steps below to guide you along your home design journey – so let’s get stuck into it and hammer out all the kinks!
Find the Right Home Designer for YOU
Amongst the many home designers available on the Perth market, you’ll find that each of them articulates a uniquely different style and aesthetic. We suggest beginning your post-block purchase thought process by deciding on whether your concept will be best brought to life through either a smaller or larger design company.
Typically, you’ll find that smaller companies have fewer contacts, where you liaise with the same people from the outset through to the design completion, a greater abundance of design alteration options – offering you more flexibility, and more of a willingness to work on sites that may pose a greater challenge. On the other hand, larger companies will often be able to present a wider portfolio of home designs, and their buying power attributes to the fact that they’re likely to be more competitively priced.
Before jumping the gun on your home build, it’s crucial to spend time researching and exploring a number of designers and examples of their work, as well as knuckling down on what home design elements are essential on your wishlist. This will ensure that you make the best-suited decision when selecting a home designer who can execute your vision as accurately as possible, as well as one who can provide the most efficient and practical layout for your home based on your needs and the regulations required for the specific site you’ve purchased.
Get a Quote
Fortunately, many designers and home builders will give homeowners the copyright to their own design, enabling you to take the lead and compare building quotes at your discretion. Without this security, you can fall into the trap of obtaining a range of quotes for multiple drafts all with divergent variables, regarding specs and features, which can make it more challenging to accurately compare each blueprint; it becomes a bit like comparing apples and oranges.
Here at Chross Homes & Developments, we focus on bringing to life your home design plans within your budget, while also following the above principle so that you can rest assured knowing you’ll be working within an even playing field.
Lock in a Plan and a Price
After locking in your designer, it’s time to get pen-to-paper (or finger-to-electronic device, if you’re tech-savvy) and start planning your home build. This process will include; developing a floor plan that proportionately depicts the location of each room and living area, consolidating where you can incorporate home sustainability (e.g. the orientation of rooms, solar panels, and home automation system), considering your landscape design, and selecting materials, finishes and appliances for throughout the home.
Something that may also be worth thinking about during this preliminary design stage is if you want to incorporate space for an extra, self-contained room (or two). It may serve you well to have some foresight on this so that you have the flexibility later down the track to host parents, grown-up kids, friends, or even to use for rental purposes.
With regards to price, it’s paramount that you’re realistic with your spending limit and that you clearly communicate what you’re comfortable with to your designer so that your house plan is modelled accordingly. It’s one thing to have a luxurious home, but if the cost is adding up well beyond your designated budget, it may chalk up to financial hardship in the future. To achieve the home of your dreams while remaining money-conscious, stick to selecting alternate materials and features that give the feel you’ve been looking for at a fraction of the price. For instance, opting for less-costly vinyl, laminate, or hybrid flooring over hardwood timber can shave thousands off your expenditure. Don’t forget that you can renovate or extend at a later date!
From here, your house plan is ready to be drawn up exactly how you want it to look, within your desired budget, and with your future in mind. Your designer will ensure that the space your block has is maximised to its full potential, including utilising as much natural light and vertical area as possible.
Take It One Step Further
To be absolutely sure and certain that your design quote reflects your plan as accurately as possible, you can take it a step further and enlist an architect or draftsperson to conduct a contour survey of the topography of the land, and a geotechnical engineer to formulate a site report on the condition and reactivity of the soil.
Assessing your site for sloping areas prior to getting into the construction stage of building will cut down on time and costs that may pose a roadblock. Your slab and retaining walls need to be level, as it impacts the amount of cut and fill required, the location of service connections, the length of your walls, and whether drop edge beams are required. In terms of the type of soil you’re building your block on, it’s fundamental to know how it responds to wet and dry conditions, so as to indicate how much your slab will move on top of it. This information is then translated to the design of the slab itself, as well as the footing requirements.
Now that you’ve worked through the haze of where to begin with your home-building process, it’s time to take action and get the ball rolling! Check out where to find the Top 9 Custom Home Builders in Perth in 2022, or get in contact with our team at Chross Homes & Developments today to start your design off on the right foot.